1/22(六)考完IELTS雅思了,趁記憶猶新來記錄一下考題~ (憑印象紀錄,大概只能抓到概要)
Task 1圖表題:
Given is two graphs showing distribution of world population of different countries and spending on education of developing countries and Industrialized countries.
圖形給了兩個圖分別列出五個國家和工業化國家(industrialized countries)在"distribution" 和 "spending on educaiton"的百分比。
圖形畫成長方形的,一開始會讓人有點慌張因為好像沒看過這種圖形,但是其實仔細看就是圓餅圖(pie charts),只是換了一個形狀而已,寫法應該沒變,所以我就按照圓餅圖的寫法去寫了,不知結果如何~
Task 2申論題:
Recently many people behaves anti-social ways and some people consider that society should responsible for this phenomenon.
What is the cause of anti-social behaviors?
Who should be responsible and deal with this problem?
Part 1:
1. Where do you live?
2. Do you like the place you live?
3. Is there any number you think has special meaning in your country?
4. Is there any number you need to remember?
5. Do you have special way to help you remember numbers?
(Part I 應該還有其他問題,但我有點忘記了@@)
Part 2主題卡:
Please describe a photograph that you like most.
You should say:
Where did you take it
Who are in the photograph
Why you take this photograph
Part 3:
(接著part 3 主考官就一直問到和照相有關的問題)
1. Besides camera, do you think there is any other thing that people will use to take a picture?
Yes, definitely. I know that most people usually take pictures by using cameras. But now due to the fashion trend of i-phone. More and more people use their cell phone to shoot a picture.
2. Do you think why people like to shoot pictures?
I think probably because we need to shoot pictures to help us memorise the special moments of our daily life. Because people are likely to forget things easily especial in these nowadays busy lives. Another important reason is that now there are more and more social websites which people can post their photos and share with their friends or even strangers about their lives.
(考完才想到不能用memorise 這個字去表達"紀念",應該用remember,因為實際上memorise是背誦記憶的意思@@~ 上課被糾正過結果還是錯了~)
3. Do you think it is important for people to shoot pictures?
Absolutely yes! I think shooting pictures is an important way to help people remember the special moments in their lives and also share it with their families and friends.
4. Do you think nowadays people take pictures more frequently than before?
I believe so. I think due to the technology nowadays makes cameras more high quality and much cheaper in price that more people can actually afford those shooting equipments. This is definitely make picture shooting more easy and accesible.
5. Nowadays many people bring their cameras while traveling. Do you think this is a good thing or bad thing?
I will regard this as a bad thing actually. Because you can see many people usually focusing on their shooting rather than seeing the truly amazing view in front of them which I think is a pity. Because sometimes you just will miss some of really special things if you too emphasize on shooting.
6. Do you think there is another way except taking pictures that help people remeber their lives?
I think there is another good way to remember your life which is actually seldom be used nowadays. That is to write diary. I know that now many people choose to take pictures to remember those important moments in their lives. But I do think that writing is actually a better way for the reason that you can talk to yourself during this process of writing down somethings in your daily lives, which I personally do a lot in my life.
我想應該是我part 3回答的都有點太少,所以感覺主考官好像為了填滿時間多問了幾個問題,等1/31成績出來就可以知道有沒有影響到成績囉~~